300 meters under The Geneva Lake
STORY: You have discovered an abandoned submarine at a depth of 300 meters, at the bottom of Lake Geneva.
Accompanied by your team, you enter the abandoned submersible.

But disaster! The rusty door of the airlock is blocked. And the dilapidated hull will give way at any moment. Water is oozing down the walls. Quickly, get out before you are crushed and find the mysterious Crystal.

• Search: 2/5
• Logic: 4/5
• Difficulty: 4.5/5 (our estimation)
• Padlocks : 1/5
• Clues : classical
• Language: English and French
The Hypnosylum
THE STORY: A girl is kidnapped. Investigator Dirk Dagger's brigade sets out to find her.
The kidnapper is Jo the Clown, an employee of a fairground company. During the pursuit, the miscreant climbs to the top of the Ferris wheel, takes a false step and falls. Heavily injured, Jo remains in a deep coma. He is the only one who knows where the kidnapped girl is. Is she still alive?

Dirk calls on Professor Sopor Schlafendorm to use the Hypnosylum, a dangerous method of intracerebral exploration, mixing electricity, psychotropic drugs and hypnosis. Save the little girl!

WARNING ! This room has a creepy theme. No actors are present in this room, but some of the steps might be surprising.

• Search: 2/5
• Logic: 4/5
• Difficulty: 3.5/5 (our estimation)
• Padlocks: 2/5
• Clues: Smart system (non-invasive) or classical
• Language: English and French
13:00 14:30
H.E.I.D.I. Space Adventure
STORY : Heidi, a young orphan, is a space rebel. Unfortunately, the galaxy is under the yoke of the odious General Petharr, who crosses space to strip planets of their vital energy. Once sucked out, this resource is condensed into a revolutionary fuel.

Heidi must break into the cargo bay of an enemy ship and evade all the traps in order to steal a shipment of this fuel, without being caught by the general's horrible soldiers. Welcome to H.E.I.D.I. (Headquarters for Extrasolar Invaders Defence Intelligence) the galactic rebellion movement!

• Search: 2/5
• Logic: 4/5
• Difficulty: 3/5 (our estimation)
• Lock: 2/5
• Clues: Smart system (non-invasive) or classic
• Language: English and French